I also believe that throughout life, it is very possible that we lose sight, our focus changes and our passion dwindles. I believe that we are a by-product of our environments, reflection of our influences and quite often, our own worst enemy. More importantly, I believe that we can change if we choose to do so and we do not have to do it alone
As we embark on this series, “Straight Talk”, I want to lay out the intentions of my heart and the purpose of this series. First, my desire is that all of God’s people are whole, healed and walking in the Spirit. I want so much for people who are far from God to come into a relationship with God that is growing, consistent and full of his abundant life.
Second, I know this world we live in is full of pain and hurt. Most of the time, we stuff the pain and the hurt, suck it up if you will, and move on. Minimizing what was done is injustice to you. And to be quite honest, this is what I’m after. I want to give the pain and the hurt a voice if there isn’t one by providing opportunities to identify with as well as point you in the direction for healing.
Lastly, my intention for this series is for it to be used to help you or perhaps someone you know. We are a very quiet group when it comes to pain and hurt. There can be a lot of shame, guilt and condemnation associated with painful experiences. Often times, we are silent because we don’t know who to turn to, we are afraid or we are too proud.
The people I’ve asked to help me write these articles have personal experience. They are passionate to see you be healed and whole. They desire to see you living an abundant life. They love the Lord and have a deep and growing relationship with God. Additionally, they are professional.
Naturally, I may not know all the answers, but I will find out or direct you to the best person who can help you. You are not alone. God is up to something good and can’t wait to hear what he has done in your life.
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