Hello Friend!
I imagine it’s a beautiful sunny day, where we are sitting outside a cozy café, sipping on a delicious beverage of choice. In hand, a temperate cup of peppermint hot chocolate slightly frothy. Cupping my mug with both hands, cuddled up on a patio chair, we sit down and commence our introductions. Like old friends apprehended by time and distance, we begin the interludes of our recent endeavors with much anticipation.
There are many things I do well and many things I love to do, hence this blog. I am passionate about helping others grow closer in their walk with God, provide opportunity for self-discovery and to be your biggest cheerleader.
So grab your favorite beverage, curl up on your most comfy piece of furniture and enjoy the brief interludes of our day!
Love & Hugs,
For additional information, to learn how to be a contributor or for questions, please email me at: Christina Terrenal, cmterrenal@gmail.com