Straight Talk

This series, "Straight Talk", is near and dear to my heart. The purpose of this series is to address topics that hard to bring up or talk about, give a voice to the pain as well as provide resources for professional help.  In "Straight Talk" the articles will be from personal experience or in the form of an interview or journal entry style. 

The articles have an opitmal blend of truth about what is going on (what you see and experience), the spiritual aspects (what's really going on) and how to find resolution.  My heart is that topics being addressed will be used as a tool to bring healing to your life or the life of someone you love. Should the article not pertain to you, please do not hesitate to share them with your girlfriends.

Here are some of the topics you can expect in "Straight Talk":
  • Self Abuse: obesity, anorexia, bulemia, cutting
  • Addiction
  • Pregnancy: adoption, abortion, post-abortion, teen pregnancy
  • Abuse: spiritual, physical, emotional, sexual
  • Depression
  • Suicide
  • Ocultism
  • Burn-out
  • Perfectionism, Performance, Control
  • Identity